vicfootball - Players 1991-2018

Victorian players 1991-2018
In the 28 seasons of top-level football in Victoria since 1991, there have been 3,219 players who have taken the pitch in at least one match. This section of vicfootball provides a summary overview of every one of these players. You can jump to any page in the archive from the list below or via the navigation icons on each page. You can also view a list of players that have appeared for a particular club in the related entry in the Clubs section of the archive.

For each player, statistics are provided by season, coupling starting and substitute appearances to offer total matches played. Along with appearance data, you can view goals scored, red cards accumulated and in the case of goalkeepers, a total number of clean sheets. Yellow cards are also noted from the 2007 season onwards. Each of these stats are tallied in the footer of the player’s record. For each player who has appeared in the national league or played overseas, links to their playing record on Aussie Footballers can be found by clicking on the logo when it appears on their vicfootball record.

The record lists summarise the players by number of appearances (all players with 200 appearances or more), number of goals (50 or more) and number of clean sheets (50 or more). Abbreviated lists by club - Top 10 for appearances and goals - are provided in each of the individual pages in the Clubs section of the archive.

Record lists - Total games | Total goals | Total clean sheets
Note: all these records are for the period 1991 to 2018 inclusive.
Every page in the player archive can be found below.
Abak to Alibeyi - Alic to Apostolopoulos - Arapis to Azzopardi - Babatsias to Basara - Baser to Bichler - Binyazar to Boschini - Bosevski to Brian - Brice to Byrns - Cacciotti to Carmignani - Carraro to Chant - Charalambous to Cofie - Cogger to Courail - Covarrubias to Cvitkovic - D'Agostino to De Oliveira - De Propertis to Di Martino - Di Sauro to Dougherty - Douglas to Dzemailoski - Eacott to Eze - Fa'arodo to Firth - Fischer to Fry - Gabrielson to Georgiadis - Georgieski to Glover - Gnjidic to Grbac - Grbesa to Gymnopoulos - Hackett to Hatzikourtis - Hatzilazaridis to Hoffman - Hogarty to Ianchello - Ibrahim to Izzet - Jablonski to Jonsson - Joryeff to Kantzidis - Kanyilmaz to Keenan - Kelic to Knezevic - Knight to Koutroulis - Koutsakis to Kyriakopoulos - La Verde to Lewis - Lia to Lyvidikos - Macedo to Mancuso - Mandic to Marshall - Marth to McCluskey - McCormick to Memeti - Memishi to Milojevic - Milovanovic to Moreno - Morgan to Myers - N'Dongo to Nikolovski - Nilo to Oghanna - Ognenovski to Oztemir - Pace to Papadopoulos - Papageorgiou to Pedic - Peel to Pinter - Piorkowski to Quirk - Rachkovski to Reichnein - Reid to Rocco - Roche to Ryan - Saad to Sant - Santalucia to Scopelliti - Scott to Simms - Simovski to Sozer - Spaliaras to Stojanac - Stojanovski to Symes - Tabor to Theodoropoulos - Theofilopoulos to Tomic - Tomich to Trogrlic - Troise to Tzouramanis - Ubachs to Vego - Velickovski to Vuniqi - Waddell to Weier - Weiland to Young - Yousef to Zwed