Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen.....
to an evening where the real villains of Australian soccer
get their chance to be in the spotlight.

But before we introduce you to our inaugural inductees to the Hall of Fame, we would like to take this opportunity of giving you a brief outline of the qualification process.

There are two sets of entrance criteria.

One is the Points System, where red cards are worth three points and yellow cards are worth one. Once a culprit reaches ten points their report card is passed on to the SU disciplinary committee which in turn adjudicates on the merits of the 'application'.
The second avenue for inclusion is the Wild Card - for those special occasions when truly outstanding acts of incompetence/insanity should be rewarded in the appropriate fashion.

So, without further ado, Click here and let us introduce our first inductee.

For a complete list of cards to March 1999, Click here.