Young Socceroo 1983 Matches

Young Socceroo Matches for 1983

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by John Punshon and Greg Stock.

Played : April 6 1983 Venue : Balgownie Oval, Wollongong
Chris Hummell, Ralph Maier, Tom McCulloch, Ray Vliestra, Roy Jones, Russell Stewart, Luciano Fabrizio, Steve Maxwell (Rene Licata 75'), Steve Glockner, David Lowe, Fabio Incantalupo
Goals : Incantalupo 30' _' _' McCulloch 45' Stewart 55' Lowe _' Glockner _'
7 - 0 Wollongong Selection
Jim Preston, Phil Muhlbauer, Chris Dunleavy, Jeff Ainsworth, John Fleming, Alan Waldron, Richardson, Jim McBreen, Stevanovski, Phil O'Connor (David Green 80'), Van de Voorde
Coach : Les Scheinflug (Australia)