Young Socceroo 1978 Matches

Young Socceroo Matches for 1978

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by John Punshon, Andre Kruger and Greg Stock.

One of the first ever records for the Young Socceroos was their appearances in the Oceania world youth championship qualifiers in New Zealand in November 1978.
Played : 11 November 1978 Venue : New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Bizumu, Paul, Divoi, Eidi, Yanum, Aihi, Peka, Pakap, Patterson (Kuwoh), Popal, Matu
0 - 9 Australia
Greg Woodhouse, Danny Moulis, Ian Rowden, George Christopoulos, Mike Milovanovic (John Spanos), Theo Selemidis, Alan Davidson, Peter Tredinnick, Craig Hall (Ian Hunter), Eddie Krncevic, Graham Jennings
Goals : Jennings _' _' Tredinnick _' _' Krncevic _' _' Raskopoulos _' Moulis _' Christopoulos _'
Referee : A Blackburn (NZ)

Played : 14 November 1978 Venue : New Zealand
Tukana, Govind Lal, Manaan, Shanti Lal (Demasi), Zoing, Kabakoro, Saleem, Tadrau, Ismail, Simmons (Aisake), Sami
Goal : Saleem
1 - 5 Australia
Greg Woodhouse, Steve Hogg (Danny Moulis), Ian Rowden, George Christopoulos, Mike Milanovic, Theo Selemidis, Alan Davidson (Peter Raskopoulos), Peter Tredinnick, Craig Hall, Eddie Krncevic, Graham Jennings
Goals : Krncevic _' _' _'pen Hunter _' Tredinnick _'
Referee : S Pouru (PNG)

Played 16 November 1978 Venue : New Zealand
New Zealand
Gosling, Kersten, Herbert, Fitzgerald, Chisholm, Debenham, Haines, Chicken, Berry (Philipsen), Shane Rufer, Ten Broeke
Goal : Broeke
1 - 2 Australia
Greg Woodhouse, Steve Hogg, Ian Rowden, George Christopoulos, John Spanos, Theo Selemidis, Alan Davidson (sent off 30'), Peter Raskopoulos (Mike Milanovic), Ian Hunter, Eddie Krncevic, Peter Tredinnick (Peter Tombidis)
Goals : Selemidis _' Krncevic _'
Referee : H Naicker (Fiji)

Following Australias success in New Zealand, the side returned to Australia where they played a friendly game against visiting club side Vardar Skopje.
Played : December 9 1978 Venue : Middle Park, Melbourne, Australia
Vardar Skopje (YUG)
(Lineup and scorer not available)
5 - 1 Australia
Greg Woodhouse (Jeff Olver), Danny Moulis (Steve Hogg), Ian Rowden, George Christopoulos, Mike Milanovic (John Spanos), Theo Selemidis, Alan Davidson, Peter Tredinnick (Malcolm McClelland), Craig Hall (Ian Hunter), Eddie Krncevic (Peter Raskopoulos), Paul Tombidis (Graham Jennings)
Goal : Raskopoulos