2000 Victorian Provisional League Division Three South-East Results

Written by John Punshon

Provisional League Division Three South-East Results
Home TeamvAway Team
Round One
Sunday, March 26, 2000
Collingwood City
Goals: P Papas x 2, P Stamatopoulos, D Alevizos
4 - 0 Thornbury United
Endeavour Hills
Goal: N Moothoo
1 - 0 Noble Park
La Trobe University
Goals: J Antonopoulos x 2
2 - 5 Berwick Kings
Goals: Z Kecojevic, D Dragisic x 2, J Radmilovic x 2
Old Melbournians
Goals: G Quast, A Posselt
2 - 4 Beaumaris
Goals: F Antonides, J Maclean x 2, J Zabenko
Parkmore 0 - 5 Monash University
Goals: P Panagiotopoulos, V Giannias, K Monostori, M Thoman, G Davies
Rowville Eagles
Goals: I Kerezovic x 2, M Voinea, D Puscasu
5 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: M De Kretser
Round Two
Sunday, April 2
Goals: J Zabenko, J Maclean
2 - 4 Endeavour Hills
Goals: J Butrago x 2, J Vydelingum, A Filies
Berwick Kings
Goals: D Dragisic x 2, B Sankovic, T Racunica
4 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: R Mata
Monash University
Goals: M Thoman x 2, A Mariadason
3 - 3 Rowville Eagles
Goals: M Craciun, I Kerezovic, M Voinea
Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki, M Sotiroski, G Banabakis
3 - 0 La Trobe University
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M De Kretser, M Wilson
2 - 4 Collingwood City
Goals: A Vithoulkas, P Papas, M Mihailidis, D Alevizos
Thornbury United
Goals: A Nandapi, L Scarola
2 - 0 Old Melbournians
Round Three
Sunday, April 9, 2000
Collingwood City
Goals: A Vithoulkas, M Mihailidis, D Alevizos x 2
4 - 3 Monash University
Goals: D Thompson, J Forbes, Own goal
Endeavour Hills
Goals: D Collard, K L遂veille x 2, F Rosemond, J Butrago x 2, A Filies x 2, G Valenzuela, N Moothoo
10 - 1 Old Melbournians
Goal: J Batistich
La Trobe University
Goals: J Boston, J Prokein x 2, S Liaskos
4 - 1 Beaumaris
Goal: F Antonidis
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: S Penny
1 - 1 Thornbury United
Goal: S Ristovski
Parkmore 0 - 2 Noble Park
Goals: P Damevski, T Ristov
Rowville Eagles
Goals: S Apu x 2, M Voinea
3 - 0 Berwick Kings
Round Four
Sunday, April 16, 2000
Goals: J MacLean x 2, J Moger
3 - 0 Parkmore
Berwick Kings
Goals: Z Kecojevic, V Todorovic
2 - 1 Collingwood City
Goal: A Nalbantidis
Monash University
Goals: M Thoman x 2
2 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: A Campbell
Noble Park 0 - 0 Rowville Eagles
Old Melbournians
Goals: T Oxley, T Hall
2 - 2 La Trobe University
Goals: M Carmichael, G Boontjes
Thornbury United 0 - 2 Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies, J Vydelingum
Round Five
Monday, April 24, 2000
Collingwood City
Goals: W Finadri, P Stamatopoulos, P Papas
3 - 1 Noble Park
Goal: P Damevski
Sunday, April 30, 2000
La Trobe University
Goals: C Christodoulou x 3
3 - 4 Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Moothoo x 2, J Butrago x 2
Monash University
Goals: W Sandman, V Giannias
2 - 2 Thornbury United
Goals: C Formoso, A Ciccone
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M De Kretser, A Campbell
2 - 5 Berwick Kings
Goals: Z Kecojevic x 2, J Radmilovic, D Dragisic x 2
Goals: A Cala, D Raducan, A Varga, G Racz
4 - 3 Old Melbournians
Goals: S Hall, G Quast, Own goal
Rowville Eagles
Goals: D Puscasu, I Kerezovic
2 - 4 Beaumaris
Goals: A Montagu, F Antonides, E Carey x 2
Round Six
Sunday, May 7, 2000
Goals: E Carey x 2, C Gilder
3 - 2 Collingwood City
Goals: D Alevizos, J Mahmoud
Berwick Kings
Goals: D Tintor, D Adamovic, D Dragisic, J Radmilovic x 2
5 - 2 Monash University
Goals: G Costaras, A Mariadason
Endeavour Hills
Goals: J Castel, N Moothoo x 3, E Anthony
5 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: G Racz
Noble Park
Goals: V Gorsovski, S Sotiroski, J Ivanov, M Dalle-Nogare, N Petrovski
5 - 0 Old Camberwell Grammar
Old Melbournians 0 - 2 Rowville Eagles
Goals: I Kerezovic x 2
Thornbury United
Goals: C Formoso x 2
2 - 2 La Trobe University
Goals: S Liaskos x 2
Round Seven
Sunday, May 14, 2000
Berwick Kings 0 - 1 Thornbury United
Goal: L Scarola
Collingwood City
Goals: P Williams x 2, D Alevizos x 3, A Nalbantidis
6 - 3 Old Melbournians
Goals: J Joyce-Hess, J Wheeler, T Wu
Monash University
Goals: D Downes, G Costaras
2 - 0 Noble Park
Old Camberwell Grammar 0 - 2 Beaumaris
Goals: A Baldwin, M Bozic
Goal: A Varga
1 - 4 La Trobe University
Goals: M Carmichael, P Rades x 3
Rowville Eagles
Goal: M Voinea
1 - 2 Endeavour Hills
Goals: E Anthony, N Moothoo
Round Eight
Sunday, May 21, 2000
Goals: B Lister x 4
4 - 2 Monash University
Goals: G Costaras, W Sandman
Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies, J Vydelingum
2 - 1 Collingwood City
Goal: P Papas
La Trobe University
Goals: B Theodossiadis x 5, P Rades x 3
8 - 2 Rowville Eagles
Goals: D Puscasu x 2
Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki, Z Blazevski
2 - 0 Berwick Kings
Old Melbournians
Goal: A Galanos
1 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: M Shewan
Thornbury United
Goals: C Formoso x 2
2 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: R Rojas
Round Nine
Sunday, May 28, 2000
Berwick Kings
Goal: D Adamovic
1 - 2 Beaumaris
Goals: C Gilder, E Carey
Collingwood City
Goals: D Alevizos x 3, S Tsalikidis
4 - 2 La Trobe University
Goals: K Papagiantsis x 2
Monash University
Goal: P Apostolopoulos
1 - 0 Old Melbournians
Noble Park
Goals: T Ristov, L Lembovski
2 - 1 Thornbury United
Goal: L Scarola
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: M Shewan
1 - 3 Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies, N Moothoo x 2
Sunday, July 30, 2000
Rowville Eagles
Goal: J Despot
1 - 3 Parkmore
Goals: A Varga, G Balaz, G Racz
Round Ten
Sunday, June 4, 2000
*Beaumaris 0 - 3 Noble Park
Goals: VSF penalty goals x 3
Endeavour Hills
Goals: J Butrago, N Moothoo x 3, A Filies
5 - 1 Monash University
Goal: A Mariadason
La Trobe University
Goals: J Antonopoulos, K Papagiantsis x 2
3 - 0 Old Camberwell Grammar
Old Melbournians
Goal: L Papasavas
1 - 2 Berwick Kings
Goals: N Djkic, D Adamovic
Parkmore 0 - 6 Collingwood City
Goals: Y Mohamed, S Tsalikidis, D Alevizos x 4
Thornbury United
Goals: L Scarola, T Riadis
2 - 4 Rowville Eagles
Goals: I Kerezovic x 2, F Puscasu, C Radu
*Result of match played on June 4 - Beaumaris 2 (J MacLean x2) Noble Park 1 (Z Blazeski).
Match subsequently awarded to Noble Park 3-0.
Round Eleven
Sunday, June 11, 2000
Berwick Kings
Goals: D Dragisic x 2
2 - 4 Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Novakovic x 2, A Filies, N Moothoo
*Collingwood City
Goals: VSF penalty goals x 3
3 - 0 Rowville Eagles
Monash University
Goals: G Costaras, A Patterson, N Mallios
3 - 2 La Trobe University
Goals: M Carmichael x 2
Noble Park
Goals: S Shearer x 3, G Filiposki
4 - 1 Old Melbournians
Goal: L Papasavas
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M Shewan, C Ferrante, S Allan
3 - 3 Parkmore
Goals: T Molnar x 2, G Balas
Thornbury United 0 - 1 Beaumaris
Goal: A O道ell
*Result of match played on June 11 - Collingwood City 1 (S Tsalikidis) Rowville Eagles 1 (P Valeanschi).
Match subsequently awarded to Collingwood City 3-0.
Round Twelve
Sunday, June 18
Goals: A O道ell x 2
2 - 1 Old Melbournians
Goal: S Collier
Berwick Kings
Goals: N Djkic, D Adamovic x 2
3 - 1 La Trobe University
Goal: K Papagiantsis
Monash University
Goal: P Apostolopoulos
1 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: D Bago
Noble Park
Goal: G Banabakis
1 - 1 Endeavour Hills
Goal: J Butrago
Old Camberwell Grammar 0 - 1 Rowville Eagles
Goal: I Horj
Thornbury United 0 - 2 Collingwood City
Goals: A Vithoulkas, S Tsalikidis
Round Thirteen
Sunday, June 25, 2000
Collingwood City
Goals: M Mihailidis x 2
2 - 0 Old Camberwell Grammar
Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Moothoo x 2
2 - 2 Beaumaris
Goals: M Tiraboschi, I Hird
La Trobe University
Goal: T Saburido
1 - 4 Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki, J Ivanov, V Manevski x 2
Old Melbournians
Goals: A Galanos, J Whitelaw
2 - 2 Thornbury United
Goals: P Zagolin, C Formoso
Parkmore 0 - 1 Berwick Kings
Goal: D Adamovic
Rowville Eagles
Goal: P Gross
1 - 2 Monash University
Goals: A Patterson, G Costaras
Round Fourteen
Sunday, July 2, 2000
Berwick Kings
Goals: D Adamovic, Z Kecojevic
2 - 2 Rowville Eagles
Goals: I Kerezovic x 2
Monash University
Goal: G Costaras
1 - 4 Collingwood City
Goals: P Williams, M Mihailidis, S Tsalikidis x 2
Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki, G Manevski x 2
3 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: R Lerinc
Old Melbournians 0 - 6 Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies x 3, N Moothoo x 3
Thornbury United
Goal: S Stojanovski
1 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: A Campbell
Sunday, July 30, 2000
Goals: S Keenan x 3, A O道ell
4 - 0 La Trobe University
Round Fifteen
Sunday, July 9, 2000
Collingwood City
Goals: S Tsalikidis x 2
2 - 1 Berwick Kings
Goal: V Todorovic
Endeavour Hills
Goals: V Bontemps x 3
3 - 0 Thornbury United
La Trobe University
Goal: M Carmichael
1 - 3 Old Melbournians
Goals: M Pember x 2, L Papasavas
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M De Kretser, S Allan
2 - 3 Monash University
Goals: J Pettegree, G Costaras, Own goal
Parkmore 0 - 6 Beaumaris
Goals: D Alnwick, A O道ell, S Keenan x 4
Rowville Eagles
Goals: I Kerezovic, S Rascovici
2 - 3 Noble Park
Goals: J Ivanov, L Lembovski, T Ristov
Round Sixteen
Sunday, July 16, 2000
Goals: I Hird, M Tiraboschi, C Gilder, S Keenan, E Carey
5 - 0 Rowville Eagles
Berwick Kings
Goals: Z Kecojevic, D Adamovic
2 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: S Allan
Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Moothoo x 3, A Filies x 2, G Valenzuela
6 - 0 La Trobe University
Noble Park 0 - 1 Collingwood City
Goal: P Williams
Old Melbournians
Goals: M Pember x 2, R Posselt, T Wu
4 - 2 Parkmore
Goals: E Kalmar, G Racz
Thornbury United 0 - 6 Monash University
Goals: J Melican, G Costaras, P Apostolopoulos, A Patterson x 3
Round Seventeen
Sunday, July 23, 2000
Collingwood City
Goal: J Whitty
1 - 1 Beaumaris
Goal: S Keenan
La Trobe University
Goals: N Gonis x 3, H Prokein, J Antonopoulos
5 - 2 Thornbury United
Goals: S Ristovski, F Ciccone
Monash University
Goals: A Patterson, G Costaras x 2, G Davies, K Monostori
5 - 1 Berwick Kings
Goal: D Adamovic
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: S Allan
1 - 1 Noble Park
Goal: E Ortiz
Goal: G Racz
1 - 1 Endeavour Hills
Goal: N Moothoo
Rowville Eagles
Goals: S Ieremia, S Rascovici, A Krems
3 - 3 Old Melbournians
Goals: M Pember x 3
Round Eighteen
Sunday, August 6, 2000
Goal: S Keenan
1 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: S Allan
Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Moothoo x 3, J Rose, E Anthony, A Filies
6 - 1 Rowville Eagles
Goal: D Puscasu
La Trobe University
Goals: D Pasquale, S Liaskos x 2, K Papagiantsis x 2
5 - 1 Parkmore
Goal: G Balas
Noble Park
Goals: J Ivanov x 2
2 - 1 Monash University
Goal: G Costaras
Old Melbournians
Goals: G Quast, T Wu
2 - 6 Collingwood City
Goals: P Williams, A Vithoulkas, S Tsalikidis x 2, M Mihailidis, N Mitrakas
Thornbury United
Goal: S Rosato
1 - 1 Berwick Kings
Goal: M Delic
Round Nineteen
Sunday, August 13, 2000
Berwick Kings
Goal: Z Kecojevic
1 - 2 Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki x 2
Collingwood City
Goals: S Tsalikidis, M Mihaildis, J Mahmoud
3 - 1 Endeavour Hills
Goal: N Moothoo
Monash University
Goals: G Davies, A Patterson, T Smurthwaite, Own goal
4 - 0 Beaumaris
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M Shewan, L Ferns, S Allan
3 - 2 Old Melbournians
Goals: S Hall, R Posselt
Goals: D Bago, Z Marki x 2, G Szekely
4 - 1 Thornbury United
Goal: S Ristovski
Rowville Eagles
Goal: D Puscasu
1 - 4 La Trobe University
Goals: S Liaskos x 2, K Papagiantsis x 2
Round Twenty
Sunday, August 20, 2000
Goals: I Hird, S Keenan
2 - 1 Berwick Kings
Goal: M Delic
Endeavour Hills
Goals: N Moothoo x 2, M Duri
3 - 2 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M Shewan, N Cox
La Trobe University
Goals: K Papagiantsis, J Antonopoulos x 2
3 - 1 Collingwood City
Goal: J Papas
Old Melbournians
Goals: M Pember x 5
5 - 2 Monash University
Goals: A Patterson, J Pettegree
Goals: A Seci x 2, D Raducan
3 - 0 Rowville Eagles
Thornbury United
Goals: A Meloni, W Costantini
2 - 4 Noble Park
Goals: S Sotiroski, Z Blazevski x 2, V Manevski
Round Twenty-One
Sunday, August 27
Berwick Kings
Goals: M Delic, Z Kecojevic, D Adamovic
3 - 2 Old Melbournians
Goals: L Papasavas, S Hall
Collingwood City
Goal: S Tsalikidis
1 - 2 Parkmore
Goals: R Mata, A Varga
Monash University 0 - 2 Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies, N Moothoo
Noble Park
Goals: J Ivanov x 2, J Ristevski, V Manevski, Z Blazevski
5 - 4 Beaumaris
Goals: A Baldwin, I Hird, C Gilder, A O道ell
Old Camberwell Grammar
Goals: M Shewan, S Allan
2 - 3 La Trobe University
Goals: L Renda, K Papagiantsis x 2
Rowville Eagles
Goals: P Gross, S Mocan x 2, I Kerezovic
4 - 3 Thornbury United
Goals: F Renzi, T Riadis, S Ristovski
Round Twenty-Two
Sunday, September 10, 2000
Goals: J MacLean x 2, S Keenan x 2
4 - 3 Thornbury United
Goals: W Costantini x 2, F Renzi
Endeavour Hills
Goals: A Filies x 3, N Moothoo x 2, J Rose
6 - 2 Berwick Kings
Goals: S Djurovic, Z Kecojevic
La Trobe University
Goals: L Renda, K Papagiantsis
2 - 0 Monash University
Old Melbournians
Goals: A Carmody, R Posselt
2 - 4 Noble Park
Goals: G Filiposki, G Taseski, M Dalle-Nogare, P Damevski
Goal: G Racz
1 - 1 Old Camberwell Grammar
Goal: C Ferrante
Rowville Eagles 0 - 1 Collingwood City
Goal: S Tsalikidis