History of Marconi Fairfield

by Ross Musso


Gugliemo (William) Marconi was a great scientist who in 1930 directly switched on the lights at Sydney Town Hall from the port of Genoa in Italy, via wireless transmission. This outstanding feat initiated the technology we now take for granted, and in one sensational moment relocated the farthest continent of Australia closer to Europe, and indeed the world. If the name Marconi does not belong among the great people that helped structure modern day Australia, we are sadly lacking in terms of recognition of our history. Accordingly...

Marconi is as distinctly Australian as Leichhardt, La Perouse or Adelaide. All are prominent Australian locations whom we named after some great people in Australias past. Marconi the scientist, has arguably contributed more to the present status of communication and technology in Australia than any other person in our 211 year history.

The Name:
At the second meeting of the Provisional Committee on the 18th September 1956, the name of Gugliemo Marconi was suggested by the (to be) inaugural President, Mr Oscar Michelini. The name was confirmed in the minutes of the meeting held the 28th November, 1957 being that "Club Marconi of Bossley Park Social Recreation & Sporting Centre Limited" be the official name of the Club all the time.

The Emblem:
The Club Marconi emblem was designed by Zuliani. The Leichhardt based artist, painter and photographer won the competition called by the Club in 1958.

The Significance:
In line with the reasoning of the chosen name of 'Club Marconi' for the fledging club (it being accepted for its appeal to Australians of Italian and other origins), the emblem succinctly told the story of the clubs existence and foundation. The globe of our planet, with its meridians of longitude & latitude, is interconnected by Marconis incredible invention of wireless communication, represented by the active telecommunications tower, broadcasting around our world. The boomerang is universally acknowledged as a symbol of Australia and its indigenous people the Aboriginals. The colours within the boomerang of Green, White & Red have dual representations. Along with being the colours of the founding members nation of birth Italy, they symbolise: Green = Hope, White = Peace and Red = Energy. All vital ingredients of the dreams and aspirations for the new adopted land for thousands of Italian immigrants making Australia their home.

The Birth:
Club Marconi was founded on the 2nd August 1958.