Perth Glory v Fremantle City

Perth Glory v Fremantle City

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by Searlais Mullen and Greg Stock.

During the break in the 1997/98 NSL season for the Optus World Series, the Perth Glory side played a friendly match against local club side Fremantle City.
Played : February 16 1998 Venue : Beale Park, Fremantle, Perth
Fremantle City
(Incomplete) Kevin Correia, Phil Rossi
Goals : Correia, Rossi
2 - 3 Perth Glory
(Incomplete) Scott Halpin, Troy Halpin, Gavin Wilkinson, Bobby Despotovski, Vas Kalogeracos, Gareth Naven
Goals : Scott Halpin (x2), Despotovski (all in the first 33' of the first half)