Miscellaneous Games

Canberra Cosmos v ACT Academy

These statistics were written and researched by Nick Guoth and Greg Stock

As part of Canberra Cosmos's preseason warm-up they played a match against the ACT Academy. The match was played as a friendly game to give both coaches the oppurtunity to trial players. Thus both sides made many substitutions that were not noted.
Played : Tuesday September 30 1997 Venue : Deakin Oval, Canberra
Canberra Cosmos
(Squad) Barny Smith, Tony Giannasca, Tom Haythornwaite, Lindsay Wilson, Marko Perinovic, Andy Roberts, Brown, Rodrigo, Andrew Ravanello, Norman Kelly, Peter Buljan, Harry James, Ivan Zelic, Ante Moric, Michael Musitano
Goals : Goalscorers not noted
9 - 1 ACT Academy
(Lineup Incomplete) Prenzoski.
Goal : scorer not noted
The Cosmos played their final pre-season match last night. It was at Deakin Oval against ACT Academy. Academy scored first through an error by the Cosmos defence. The score was 2-1 to Cosmos at the break and 9-1 at the end. Notes: Everyone except for Toplica Popovich played, including each of the four injured players (Moric, Rodrigo, Roberts and Musitano). The match should have been played at Seiffert.