Adelaide Sharks v Carlton

Adelaide Sharks v Carlton

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by Peter Georgaras and Greg Stock.

This match was a friendly game between two NSL club sides warming up for the NSL season. This game was Carlton's first match outside of Melbourne.
Played : Sunday September 21 1997 Venue : Thebarton Oval, Adelaide
Adelaide Sharks
(Lineup Incomplete) Frank Mikuletic, George Slifkas, George Kollias, Bill Misailidis, Corey Artone, Jamie Perin, Bigu Silva, Pedro Oliveira
Goal : Artone 40'
1 - 1 Carlton
(Lineup incomplete) Dean Anastasiadis, Brank Bacak
Goal : Bacak 89'
In their first game outside Melbourne, Carlton played a 1-1 draw when they were hosted by the Adelaide Sharks, at Thebarton Oval in Adelaide yesterday.

Carlton used its full travelling party contingent, whilst Adelaide Sharks' coach Adrian Santrac trialled a number of potential new players.

Sharks triallists included the Brazillian duo of Bigu Silva and Pedro Oliveira, along with Leichardt Tigers 'keeper Frank Mikuletic. Also trialled were former-Shark George Slifkas and locals George Kollias (Olympians) and Bill Misailidis (Port Lion).

The Sharks took the lead after 40 minutes when Corey Artone ran through to meet a Jamie Perin pass. Despite the pleas for offside, Artone slotted the ball past Carlton 'keeper Dean Anastasiadis to give the Sharks a 1-0 lead at the break.

Carlton clinched a late equaliser when Branko Bacak lobbed the ball over 2nd half keeper, Mikuletic, in the 89th minute.