NSW v Guandong

Guandong (China) v NSW

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by Greg Stock.

A NSW representative side toured China to play two games against Chinese club sides in1996.
Played : (Date unknown) June 1996 Venue : China
Guandong (CHI)
(Lineup Incomplete) Lu
Goal : Lu 11'
1 - 2 New South Wales
Mike Gibson, Matthew Horsley, Milan Blagojevic, Tony Popovic, Dominic Longo, Brendan Renaud (Matthew Bingley), Brad Maloney, David Zdrilic, Paul Bilokapic (Robert Stanton), Andy Harper (Tony Perinich), Kris Trajanovski
Goals : Bingley 44' 54'