Joeys 1994 Matches

Australian Under 17 matches for 1994

These statistics were written and researched for the OzSoccer archive by John Punshon, Greg Stock, Martin Tabeira and Thomas Esamie. We believe them to be accurate and have taken every care to make them so. We would appreciate any correction of errors detected.

In October and November of 1994, Australia embarked on a tour of South America playing various teams throughout Chile and Uruguay. The first game was against the Uruguay under 17 side.
Played : 27th October Venue : Estadio Casto Martinez Laguarda, San Jose, Uruguay
(Lineup unavailable)
0 - 0 Australia
R Matosevic, Kevin Schneider, Brett Emerton, Colin Azzopardi, Nick Purdue, Harry Kewell, Clayton Bell (c), Michael Galluzzo, Yane Talcevski, Michael Cunico (Giovanni Carrozza), Daniel Allsopp
Attendance : 5000

The second game against the Uruguay under 17 side was a great win to the Australian side.
Played : 30th October Venue : National Stadium, Montevideo, Uruguay
(Lineup incomplete) Sebastian Denegri
Goals : Denegri x2
2 - 4 Australia
Adam Brodbeck, Kevin Schneider, Brett Emerton, Colin Azzopardi, Nick Johns, Harry Kewell, Clayton Bell (c), Michael Galluzzo, Michael Cunico, Daniel Allsopp, Yane Talcevski (Clinton McDermott (John Maisano))
Goals : Talcevski 20' Emerton 40' Cunico 59' 63'
Attendance : 53000

Australias next opponent on tour was the Chilean national under 17 side.
Played : 5th November Venue : Santiago, Chile
(Lineup unavailable)
Goals : 3 goals before the 57th incl a pk
3 - 3 Australia
R.Matosevic (Adam Brodbeck), Kevin Schneider (S.Carey), Brett Emerton, Colin Azzopardi, Nicholas Purdue, Harry Kewell, Clayton Bell (c), Michael Galluzzo (John Maisano), Yane Talcevski, Daniel Allsopp, Michael Cunico
Goals : Allsopp 15' Talcevski 57' 70'

Played : 8th November Venue : Santiago, Chile
Universidad Catolica (Chile)
(lineup unavailable)
1 - 0 Australia
Adam Brodbeck, Kevin Schneider, Brett Emerton (Clinton McDermott), Colin Azzopardi, S.Carey (John Maisano), Harry Kewell, Clayton Bell (c) (Nicholas Purdue), Michael Galluzzo, Yane Talcevski (Vince Grella), Michael Cunico (Giovanni Carrozzo), Daniel Allsopp

Played : 11th November Venue : Chile
Colo Colo (Chile)
(Lineup unavailable)
2 - 2 Australia
R.Matosevic, Kevin Schneider, Brett Emerton (S.Carey), C.Azzopardi, Nicholas Purdue, Harry Kewell, John Maisano, Michael Galluzzo (Clinton McDermott), Yane Talzevski, Daniel Allsopp (Giovanni Carrozzo), Michael Cunico
Goals : Maisano 12' 15'

Played : 14th November Venue : Chile
Santa Cruz
(Lineup unavailable)
1 - 4 Australia
Adam Brodbeck, Kevin Schneider, S.Carey (Michael Galluzzo), C.Azzopardi, Nicholas Purdue, Harry Kewell (Clayton Bell), Vince Grella, John Maisano, Clinton McDermott, Michael Cunico (Giovanni Carrozzo), Brett Emerton
Goal : Maisano 37' McDermott 62' Schneider 67' Carrozza 87'

The final match of the tour was a rematch against the Chile national under 17 side. The 2-0 win was a great way for the Joeys to finish a very successful tour.
Played : 15th November Venue : Chile
(Lineup unavailable)
0 - 2 Australia
Adam Brodbeck, C.Azzopardi, Brett Emerton, Nicholas Purdue, Kevin Schneider, Harry Kewell, Clayton Bell (c), John Maisano, Yane Talcevski (Michael Galluzzo), Michael Cunico, Daniel Allsopp
Goals : Maisano 38' Talcevski 64'